Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So after Hunter I began with bump mapping.. An easy way to get a lot of detail on your models without the hassle of sculpting everything by hand. I wanted to try something new. My own experience with software like Mudbox and ZBrush is that 9 out of 10 times people tend to make symmetrical models. So I was determined to create something asymmetrical. Seeing my first model was kinda 'pretty boyish', I wanted to correct my mistake by modeling a manly man. Behold the general.

I really liked the way this was heading. Got a nice skin bump going on and his hair looks a bit more realistic. So I started by making his face first. After I had finished with the basic layout I stretched the eyebrows and mouth to create the desired asymmetrical look. Suddenly, out of the blue I thought: 'He should be smoking a cigar'. I tried to make this model look a bit more square than Hunter to give that rough manly effect. Atten'shun!


  1. Awesome model m8!

    The hair and beard looks great, however the cigar could use some more work. I dunno how mudbox works though, I've never tried it, all I know is from my experience with 3DS Max. So I only know about arranging the mesh for turbosmoothing.

    Also his left nostril would look more realistic, if it wasnt raised so much, I think.

    Other than that, great job m8. Looking foward to seeing more stuff from you.


  2. Thanks dude!

    Well about the cigar, yeah I know what you mean. It's because the whole model is just one mesh. It's not a standalone object. If it was a standalone, I would have made the mouth open with teeth and everything. Guess I was too lazy with that. ^^

    And you're right about the nostril, maybe I overdid it a little with his nose. The thing is that when you wink or smirk, your cheeks and nose follow the upward stretch. Guess I was too fanatic.

    Thanks for your comment mate.

